In the plumbing/HVAC industry there are a number of different pumps that are used for various applications. Most pumps are manufactured so that they can be used in a person’s home or in commercial businesses such as factories, hospitals, and many other places. Pumps are essential to help keep homes and businesses clean and water damage free. They are also used to help when water damage or flooding has occurred.
One of the most common types of pumps is the transfer pump. It can be used in many different types of applications making it a great pump for various types of jobs. Since transfer pumps can be used in so many ways, I have chosen to talk about them today.

Transfer pumps do just as the name says; they transfer water from one place to another. Water or other liquids are transferred when the pump creates a pressure difference. This pressure difference is what draws the water in and then it is transferred as the pressure changes once again. In order for the fluid to come into and then out of the pump, the pump needs to have a power source. This can come from a number of different sources; a generator, a battery, or some other type of electrical source that can be hooked to the pump.

The most well-known use for transfer pumps is to remove water from basements that have been flooded, but this is not the only way these pumps can be used. These pumps can be used to transfer fluids such as oil and gasoline. It is important, however, that if you are pumping these types of fluids, that you make sure that the pump you buy is equipped to move such liquids. Most pumps are designed to move water, so when buying a pump for other purposes, make sure you find one to best meet your needs. Pumps like this usually have special components to them such as pressure gauges for safety monitoring and noncorrosive agents to prevent damage that would occur from use of chemicals.
Transfer pumps can also be used for irrigation purposes, such as watering crops or for sprinkler systems in a homeowner’s yard. The pump can be turned on automatically or manually for water to be transferred and fulfill the purpose for which it was installed. This is helpful when there is not enough water pressure on a water line or when the water source is far from where the water needs to be pumped.
It is important to know that there are many differences in the types of transfer pumps. You can’t just buy one pump and expect it to transfer water, oil, or other fluids. Information is available and manuals can tell you what types of liquids are okay to run through your pump and if the pump will have enough power for its intended purpose.
Little Giant Pumps are my pump of choice. If you want to buy your own pump, information and great prices can be found at: https://www.plumbersstock.com/category/238/